De Kantlijn
in samenwerking met de ambachtelijke handboekbinderij

Chartae Laudes


12 schoolplaten van Nederlandsch Oost-Indië., E. Nijland


This is one of the earlier series of schoolplaten ( 1897) was made for illustrating the life in the Dutch East Indies / Malaya Archipelo . Because many Dutch had relatives living and working in the east Indies it was one of the major subjects within the Geography lessons.

This series of plates is complete and in exceptionally good condition.

It is only sold as complete set with the tutorial booklet.

E. Nijland ., Handleiding van het volksleven der bewoners van Nederlandsch Oost-Indië tevens leidraad bij de 12 schoolplaten van Nederlandsch Oost-Indië., E. Nijland directeur der N.H. Burgerschool (afd. jongens) der Marnix – stichting te Utrecht., Utrecht C.H.E. Breijer 1897., 15 x 24Cm.., 179pag. rebound in modern marbled boards.


12 lithographical printed school pictures mounted on board. ( rounded corners ) Good condition as in the pictures

Price as serie with the Dutch tutorial € 3685,-  
Extremely rare complete set

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